Teeth Whitening in Frederick MD
When you look in the mirror, are you satisfied with the color of your teeth? Increasingly, many people are not. And that's not a big surprise. There are many common causes of tooth stains, and they combine to take white teeth and turn them dull and discolored. Here at Frederick Dental, you can take advantage of our in-office teeth whitening. It's effective, quick, and safe.
For many people, it's foods and drinks that lead to tooth staining. Two of the most popular beverages are coffee and tea. Both are culprits in loss of whiteness. So are red wine and cola. Among the four of those, and they are not the only ones, there is hardly a person who does not indulge in at least one on a regular basis. What about foods such as berries, curry, soy sauce, and hard candies? Well, they also can cause you to need our
teeth whitening in Frederick MD. And let us not forget tobacco. Whether you smoke, vape, or use it in any other way, it's a known teeth stainer. Even some prescription drugs, such as tetracycline, are responsible for a change in your tooth color. Fortunately, we have the ideal solution right here with our
teeth whitening in Frederick MD. Store-bought products don't do as dramatic a job and may also contain abrasive ingredients. Because of that, they can damage your precious tooth enamel. Well, that will not happen with professional whitening done by our cosmetic dentist. All it takes is one session to see impressive results. Go from a smile that you are displeased with to one that you will be proud to show off. And while the results are not permanent, you can expect a year or even several years before they start to wear off.
Enjoy the benefits of our
teeth whitening in Frederick MD. Call us today to arrange an appointment.
Frederick Dental
401 West 7th Street
Frederick, MD 217017
(301) 662-7766
By Frederick Dental
July 25, 2017
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